Encouraging Fellowship

Celebrating Healing

What is Celebrate Recovery?

The purpose of Celebrate Recovery is to encourage fellowship and to celebrate God’s healing power in our lives as we work our way along the road to recovery. We are challenged as we share our experiences, strengths and hopes with one another. In addition we become willing to accept God’s grace and forgiveness in solving our life’s problems.

By working through the principles, we grow spiritually and we are freed from our hurts, habits, and hangups. This freedom creates peace, serenity, joy, and most importantly, a stronger relationship with others and our personal, loving and forgiving Savior, Jesus Christ.

Who should attend?

Celebrate Recovery is open to all and meets every Thursday at the Washington campus. We all have hurts, habits and hangups. For some they find themselves struggling with anxiety, depression, anger and more. For others it may be substance abuse, addictions or something like this. The truth is we all have issues. We are all broken and messy. The hope is that this group can help to walk with you through the difficulties and celebrate recovery in Christ Jesus.

What to Expect

Meal & Fellowship

Welcome & Prayer

Closing Prayer

Small Group Discussion

Group Dismissed

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