Celebrate Recovery

Celebrate Recovery is a safe and welcoming community for anyone seeking freedom from life’s hurts, habits, and hang-ups. Through Christ-centered support, we embrace God’s healing power as we walk the road to recovery together. By sharing our experiences, strengths, and hopes, we grow in faith and find encouragement in one another.
Many assume CR is only for those battling addiction, but the truth is, it’s a place for anyone facing life’s challenges. No one is here to “fix” you—just to walk alongside you in a supportive, non-judgmental environment. CR is a space for authenticity, consistency, and real transformation. It exists to help you recognize what you can’t handle alone and guide you in surrendering it to God. True recovery begins when we step out of denial and into a deeper relationship with Jesus.
Celebrate Recovery is open to all and meets every Thursday at the Washington campus.

Hurts, Habits, Hangups
Celebrate Recovery Can Help
Frequently Asked Questions